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A little bit about me... 


I received my bachelor's in photojournalism from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1990. After graduation, I attended two weeks at the Maine Photographic Workshops, where I picked up a Holga camera that remained my primary camera until 2017.

In 2018, after 30 years in Austin, I moved to the small, remote, quiet town of Alpine, in the far western part of Texas that borders Northern Mexico. I had started to lag in my excitement about photography while in Austin, but with the move came an intense desire to pick it up again... and to ditch the Holga. I bought a Pentax 67, and off I went- using it to shoot the beautiful landscape around me, the people, events, and the vibe of small-town Texas. 

And then.

The pandemic. 

To make a long story short, in 2020 I discovered that I had a pinhole camera tucked away in a box- a camera I never thought to look at very carefully until I was desperate to find something to play with in my sequestered life alone through most of 2020. Starting with pinhole self-portraits and ghostly images of myself in places I had explored and loved in my pre-pandemic life, I became interested in exploring other formats, which led to what many film shooters become: a vintage camera collector.

As the country opened up slowly, my collection grew. I made a page where you can explore the cameras I use - because film photographers like showing off their cameras!

My current work is a mixture of the ongoing project of self-portraits in panoramic landscapes, Polaroid work, cyanotypes, juggling different formats, and exploring alternative photography, and even a return to shooting Holga!

I have a traditional wet darkroom in my house where I develop my film and print on fiber-based paper. To read an article I wrote for Ilford on my darkroom work- please visit!

If you're interested in purchasing any of my work, please visit my shop. If you don't see what you're looking for, get in touch, and I'll help you out. Scroll down to fill out the contact information. 

Thanks for visiting – I hope you enjoyed the trip!

Pronghorn Marfa Currently carries original Polaroid emulsion lifts, greeting cards, and darkroom prints. 

Ferguson Motors (a rescued, old motor shop turned coffee shop and shop gallery!) carries a bit of my work as well.

There is always some project, idea I'm exploring, or adventure I want to share and the best place to find the latest is on Instagram: @lizpotterphotography

  • Instagram

Sometimes people write really nice things about my work... 

Mark Walton generously reviewed my Noblex self-portrait series on the Curated website September 22, 2021:

With a wonderful follow up video where you can see me yammering on about how awesome the Texas desert is! 

Watch it here:

Blake Andrews wrote such a wonderful review of my Horizon 202 book... (as of 1.24.2022, copies are still available in my shop)

Podcasts I've been on... 

Interview about my pinhole photography:

All Through a Lens: episode-24

Again on All Through a Lens/ episode 36: talking about zines and comparing 6x6 square format to panoramic work within my own photography!

If I was more organized, I'd have a tidy list of my past shows, exhibits, and accomplishments, but I'd have to go on an archeological dig of my life to remember it all. I'm starting to add things to this page as they roll in, but also working up a legitimate CV. This isn't a hobby, I need to express the seriousness of the work I do!


In the late 80s and 90s, I shot a lot of band photos (that's what you do in Austin, Texas!)


For years I was a freelancer for the Austin Chronicle, who published not only my live music photos but sent me on assignments with my Holga- my work appearing on the cover for a couple of photo essay-type stories.


I've had some solo shows, been in many group shows, and had work published and collected. I'm hoping that my photography speaks for itself and the details of all of that aren't relevant! 

In 2018 I self-published a book of Pentax 67 images (I published a 2nd edition available in my shop) and in 2021 I've managed to pop out a handful of zines; collections of work with various cameras. More to come...

Current zines and books are available in my shop!

Work chosen for online group exhibits:

Toy Story: an image chosen to be included in the September 2021 online group exhibition of Analog Forever Magazine: 

Connecting to the Divine: an image chosen to be included in the February 2022 online group exhibition of Analog Forever Magazine:

One of my polaroid lifts was selected for the Summer 2022 Curated Fridge show

A pinhole + suminagashi image was chosen for the Spring 2023 Curated fridge show

Get in touch!


Thanks for submitting!

© 2024 Liz Potter Photography

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